We have been supplying fuel to entities and individuals all over Russia since 2011.
Calculate the price
and exact time frame of fuel delivery right now
Calculate price and delivery terms
In any volume with an opportunity to postpone payment and pay after expertise.
In any volume
with an opportunity to postpone payment
and pay after expertise.
We will deliver in time starting
from 4 hours in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.
Calculate price and terms
Calculate price and terms of fuel delivery
Choose the fuel and get a discount
10 kopecks from liter
120 rubles from tone
And also audit of storage for free
Volume of order and measurement can be chosen on the next step
Your discount:
10 kopecks from liter
Total: 2 000 руб.
Answer this question — and discount will increase till 20 kopecks from liter
supplier of light petroleum products
We make more than 1000 fuel deliveries annually
  • 5 700+ of fuel trucks
  • 2 000+ of tank cars
The volume of one delivery is not limited: during 8 years volume of the largest delivery was 5000 tones – and and there are always available several times more than that in stock.
Bulk plant Yujnaya
of RussOil customers become regular thanks to our approach
Ruslan Bikmaev
CEO LLC «RussOil»

Good afternoon! RussOil established in 2011. At that time, we were just one of thousands of fuel traders in Russia.

Today RussOil joins the rank of top-3 leaders of Northern-Western Federal District in turnover and continues to expand.

This happened thanks to our service: we work in a way to make our clients satisfied with every moment of collaboration.

Our main objective is to simplify client's business as much as we can. Namely, take over all the complications, connected to order, delivery, storage and fueling of machinery.

We implement it by means of strict control over quality on all the stages of installation of certified modular and container gas stations.

  • We check the quality of fuel of every single supplier
  • We help to save on fuel by means of autonomous gas stations and OmniComm
  • We provide an opportunity of deferred payment and possibility to make a payment after expertise of the fuel
  • We deliver fuel just in time. And even earlier
Before delivering fuel from RussOil to you, it goes through 3 steps of quality control
Are you sure in the quality of your fuel?
We can check it at our own expense.
We will arrive, take samples and send them for check to independent expertise center.
Leave a request – and we will contact you to clarify details.
By clicking the button, you grant your permission for proceeding your personal data and agree with User agreement
With RussOil your business is 100% provided with fuel
Individual fuel stock for every client
We are looking after the schedule of your needs and know exactly, which volume you will need in which moment of time. Hence, we always keep necessary fuel stock on the bulk plant, closest to your location.
Delivery just
in time
To shorten the time of fuel delivery, the logistics department is calculating an optimal itinerary for every fuel truck, taking traffic into account. That’s why we deliver fuel right on time and even earlier.
Opportunity of emergency delivery
We always have transport available in case of emergency deliveries. Daily volume of shipment with this transport is more than 300000 liters. Minimum delivery time:4 hours from the moment of approval of request.
• Exact fuel location in every second of delivery
Cutting-edge satellite navigation systems GLONASS and GPS, along with telematic transport monitoring system OmniComm help to control deliveries online. We have established that in our own vehicle fleet and require the same from third party transporters.
Transporters, that we checked personally
If there is a need in entrusting the delivery to third party transporters, we choose among the best companies, market leaders. The check implies company’s audit on existence of arbitration cases, satisfactory condition and newness of vehicle fleet, permission for transportation, equipment of machinery with GLONASS and GPS trackers.
Pay for your fuel with postponement and after independent quality analysis.
It is impossible to check the fuel quality by your eye only. Some clients mentioned that they had experienced unpleasant situations before collaboration with RussOil.

In RussOil you can first witness the quality of fuel – and only then pay for delivery.

What it means:

Delivery We deliver you fuel in right volume and provide with quality passport
Check You check fuel’s quality and its compliance with quality passport in independent expertise center
Payment and postponement Having made sure of the fuel’s quality, you pay for delivery – fully or with deferred payment
Do you consume more than 50 tons a month?
Save more than 30% from budget on fuel with integrated RussOil solution
When conducting a 1 year fuel delivery contract, you obtain systems “MAZS” and «OMNICOMM» a tour expense.
Find out
Find out, how you can obtain MAZS and OmniComm at our expense
Leave a request – we will contact you and tell you everything
By clicking the button, you grant your permission for proceeding your personal data and agree with User agreement
Collaboration with RussOil was appreciated by such companies as:
Find out more about work with RussOil from our clients
Choose the fuel and get a discount
10 kopecks from liter
120 rubles from tone
And also audit of storage for free
Volume of order and measurement can be chosen on the next step
Your discount:
10 kopecks from liter
Total: 2 000 руб.
Answer this question — and discount will increase till 20 kopecks from liter
You can pick up you fuel from one of
32 bulk plants
Nevskiy mazut
Northwestern Federal District
Nevskiy mazut
Petergofskaya bulk plant LLC «GPN-SZ»
Terminal Saperniy
Bulk plant «Ruchii»
Bulk plant «Krasniy neftyanik»
Bulk plant «Lennefteproduct» (ОАО)
Tihvinskaya bulk plant ОАО «Lennefteproduct»
Lyzskaya bulk plant ОАО «Lennefteproduct»
Priozerskaya bulk plant ОАО «Lennefteproduct»
Kingiseppskaya bulk plant ОАО «Lennefteproduct»
Krasnoselskaya bulk plant ОАО «Lennefteproduct»
Neste — Saint-Petersburg (ООО)
LPDS «Krasniy Bor» АО «Petersburgtransnefteproduct»
Bulk plant Yujnaya
Bulk plant “LVJ-701” ООО
Bulk plant Almaznaya
Bulk plant Depo (ООО “Fregat”)
Bulk plant Nazievskaya fuel company (ЗАО)
Bulk plant “Shambala”
«Volodarskaya» LPDS OAO «Mostransnefteproduct»
Bulk plant Serpuhov ZAO «Ros-Trade»
АО «RN-Tver»
ОАО NGK "Slavneft"
Yaroslavskaya trans-shipping bulk plant «Sectorg Plus»
Bulk plant "Prom-Neft-Service" (ООО)
LPDS Voronej
LPDS Cherkassi (UFA)
Bulk plant “TES”
Would you like to agree upon deliveries in person?
Come to our office!
Saint-Petersburg, Verbnaya street, 27 (Business-Liner ), office 711
Show on map
Discuss possible cooperation right now
Choose a convenient way of speaking with RussOil manager:
8 (800) 222-68-47
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Average waiting time is 8 minutes